Experience the convenience of accessing all public services in one place


Our portal serves as the central hub for citizens, business, investors, and public bodies to seamlessly access digital services. With our user-friendly interface and ‘single window of entry,’ you can easily navigate through various government services and information. Enjoy secure sign-in, online payment capability, and accessibility for all. Let us connect you with the digital future of governance.


It will also allow users easy access to the open data portal. The PNG e-Government Portal consists of at least three single window portals and serves to integrate the digital services offered by government and become a central hub for citizens, business, investors, and public bodies to access digital services.

Services included in either of the portals are ‘high value/high impact’
and defined under the following criteria:

  • REnable public bodies to focus on their core duties
  • RAchieve lower cost and economies of scale
  • RImprove user experience
  • RReduce technology footprint, maintenance and security
  • RVulnerability
  • RAddress legacy system issues

The Department of ICT will coordinate the planning of the portal and will consult with key stakeholder public agencies. The Department will ensure the PNG e-Government Portal(s) will:

  • RBe a ‘single window of entry’ for citizens and clients ease of access to public services and information;
  • RAllow for a ‘single sign-on’ capability to ensure citizen or users are verified securely into the system;
  • RBe accessibile for persons with disabilities
  • RServe as an ‘information hub’ to push out Government Information; integrate other digital government services at the backend;
  • RBe the front-end access points to all basic and common digital government services; and
  • RIntegrate all the priority services to a single window through a web interface with each functional service independent of each other

The Portal(s) will be designed and built to incorporate the following
key features:

  • RDigital ID and verification of users;
  • RAccessibility so that all citizens can access it on the same terms
  • RSecure sign-in and authentication capability;
  • ROnline payment capability;
  • RUser and mobile friendly;
  • RAppropriate technology required to deliver the services
  • REnable seamless government including data exchange and sharing capability that will enable different government databases to inter-operate


The design and the deployment of e-Government Portal(s) will deliver the following outcomes:

Digital Services – Develop, improve, and implement government-led digital identification service, administered by the government, as:

  • RA single citizen digital identity for all citizens starting from birth
  • ROne of the keyways to enable identity of citizens and enabling their access to government services broad means of citizen identification and key way for them to access government and citizens services

Develop, establish, improve, and operate whole of government data value cycle systems and processes through a secure identification mechanism

  • RData generation, collection, processing, storage, use and re-use;
  • RSharing across the government, and between government and business and government and citizens;
  • RData classification under regulation; and
  • RSecure access and sharing based on ownership, need, role and authority

Create Monitoring indicators to measure the outcome of the plan and effectiveness of the current digital government efforts.