“Protecting against cyber-attacks, ensuring data confidentiality, managing access control and developing plans.”
Cyber Security is critical to enable safe and secure delivery of digital services. Cybersecurity affects everyone and as a result it is a shared responsibility for all to exercise cybersecurity best practices. Cyber security is the responsibility of all; therefore, all public bodies must make the necessary efforts.
The Cyber Crime Unit of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary is now collocated with the DICT and we are working toward a partnership to improve the coordination or cyber-crime matters with the DICT, telco operators, and various enforcement agencies.
Cyber safety is important because cyber threats such as hacking, malware, and identity theft can cause financial and reputational damage to individuals and organizations. Cyber safety involves promoting a culture of security awareness and education, which can help prevent or reduce cyber-attacks. The DICT works closely with NICTA, the National Censorship Office, and bilateral partners to provide awareness.
The Department maintains a register of government social media accounts, ensuring compliance with information dissemination standards. The Department monitors accounts to comply with policies, promotes best practices, provides guidance. Trainings are also provided to agencies, and works with stakeholders to promote responsible social media use by government.
The Public Service ICT Steering Committee (PSICTSC) is established under the Digital Government Act 2022. The PSICTSC is a vital government body responsible for guiding and overseeing the implementation of digital transformation programs and initiatives across government agencies in Papua New Guinea. The Committee’s functions include:
- =Developing and endorsing the Digital Government Plan and other relevant digital government policies, standards, and guidelines for the public service
- =Providing strategic direction and oversight to ensure the effective and efficient use of ICT resources and infrastructure. This includes maintaining and updating the PNG Government Technology Stack
- =Developing and implementing programs and initiatives to promote the adoption and integration of ICT in the public service
- =Facilitating collaboration and coordination among government agencies to ensure alignment and coherence of ICT programs and initiatives
- =Monitoring and evaluating the progress and effectiveness of ICT programs and initiatives
- =Providing advice and recommendations to the government on matters related to the use of ICT in the public service
The Public Service ICT Steering Committee plays a critical role in ensuring the effective and efficient use of ICT in the public service, promoting collaboration and coordination among government agencies, and supporting the achievement of the government’s overall goals and objectives related to digital transformation.