The Digital Government Act 2022, Part III – Digital Infrastructure, section 22 – Government Private Network gives DICT the mandate to establish the network platform for the whole of Government to utilize for interconnectivity, deployment of software services and sharing of electronic services (data) across the public body.
The network platform will consist of;
- 9Central Electronic Data Repository
- 9Physical, virtual or cloud networks connectivity and
- 9Various shared services including digital infrastructure, internet and software as services to enhance network connectivity and electronic data sharing amongst public bodies
Design and Deployment of the On-Premise Data Center(s)
In the longer term when digital services reach a reasonable maturity level, the government will revisit options of investing in an independent on-premise data center. A cloud hybrid model will be considered. This design and deployment will:
- 9Enable data to reside between both the hosting cloud infrastructure and on-premise data center based on the classification of data for government data management, localization and protection; and
- 9Enable on-premise data center and the hosted services to be on the internal government network that will be accessible anytime;
- 9Ensure data localization and data loss prevention, quick retrieval of localized data, and cost eduction
Design and Deployment of the Private Government Network
Stage One will be the Deployment of ‘Software Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) – Overlay Network’. This deployment intends to achieve the following outcome:
- 9A transitional arrangement as a network link for the delivery of digital services to government bodies where it will reduce the overhead costs and increase network performance, improve application performance and increase agility whilst government dedicated network is in construction;
- 9SD-WAN network to be the government’s redundant network;
- 9It will optimize government users’ experience and efficiency for SaaS & public cloud applications
Stage Two is the Deployment of the IP Core Network. This will be the foundation of the Government Dedicated network – Underlay Network. In the medium to long term, phase 2 deployment intends to achieve the following:
- 9Reduce the transmission cost currently experienced by government bodies;
- 9improve the quality of service and reliability of connectivity and accessibility of government digital services at national, provinces and the districts; and
- 9Provide connectivity, security and automation of the delivery of government to government (G2G), government to business (G2B) and government to citizens (G2C) where all government bodies will leverage
Design and Deployment of the Internet Exchange Points (IXPs)
An internet exchange point is a hub that plays a critical role in making local Internet faster and more affordable one.
Government will utilize the IXPs by working with the current IXP managers to significantly improve the current infrastructure and provide much more traffic and content to the users of the system and create shorter, more direct routes for Internet traffic. This will provide a more affordable alternative to sending local Internet traffic abroad thus promoting greater interactions and transactions between G2G, G2C and G2B.
By utilizing the IXP, the Government anticipate achieving the following outcomes:
- 9Promote collaboration and partnership with ISPs (Internet service providers), content delivery networks and range of local and international operators, to trigger innovation and more business opportunities;
- 9Reduce cost and make internet cheaper and improve local users’ quality of access by providing more-direct network connections for local content producers;
- 9Improving the quality of service for citizens and businesses by improving access speed for local contents, ensuring resilience and business continuity at all times;
- 9Spurs innovation and creates business opportunities and encourages local people to produce more relevant local content and applications
To ensure effective collaboration by all parties through the IXP, the Government will:
- 9Create a regulatory environment that is conducive to open, settlement-free peering, as opposed to traditional transit arrangements;
- 9Expanded the IXP to allow for additional regional Point of Presence (PoP) in the three regional metropolitan areas in the country; and
- 9Interconnect its servers with other companies at the IXP allowing it to better localize traffic to users in the PNG Government network
Government Private Network List
The purpose of the document is to gather information related to information technology infrastructure in each of the Government agencies to ease the delivery of Digital Government Services as stipulated in the DGA 2022.